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Sowing and Reaping or Cause and Effect in Developing Your Gift

November 26, 2012


In western nations it is a common phenomena  that he  top 20 percent of people’s earn 80 percent of the money and enjoy 80 percent of wealth and its  rewards. This principle has a name in business called thee “Pareto Principle” and has been proven over and over again since it was first formulated in 1895 by Vilfredo Pareto. According to the principle your first goal in your career should be to get into the top 20 percent in your chosen field.
In the twenty-first century, the new economy is technology, knowledge and skill. The more knowledge you acquire and the greater skill that you apply, the more competent and valuable you become. As you get better at what you do, your income-earning ability increases.
there is a principle or law involved in our ability to get into the top 20 percent of our field. It is sometimes called the Law of Cause and Effect, or more commonly if your a Christian known as sowing and reaping. This law says that “for every effect, there is a specific cause or series of causes.”
To achieve success in any given area, then to apply this law you an I  must determine how success can be achieved in that area and then practice those skills and activities repeatedly  until you achieve the results of those in the top 20 percent. In other words you have to sow your time resources, knowledge and skill into that activity.
Here’s the rule: “If you do what other successful people do, over and over again, nothing can stop you from  enjoying the same rewards that they do in time, but remember that if you don’t do what successful people do, nothing can help you.”
The law of sowing and reaping,  in the bible is the same as of The Law of Cause and Effect that business books talk about. Galatians 6:7 says that “whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap.” This law says that whatever you put in, you get out. It also says that whatever you are reaping today is a result of what you have sown in the past. So if you are not happy with your current “crop,” it is up to you, to plant a new crop, to begin doing more of those things that lead to success—and to stop engaging in those activities that lead nowhere. Also don’t forget like a farmer when he sows seed he expects a crop that exceeds the seed, for example one kernel of corn produces cobs with over 80 kernels in the cobs. 
So remember your success  is not an accident. Sadly, failure is not an accident either. You succeed when you do what other successful people do, over and over, until these behaviors become a habit. Likewise, you fail if you don’t do what successful people do. In either case, we have to be aware that nature is neutral. Nature does not take sides. Nature doesn’t care. What happens to you is simply a matter of law—the law of cause and effect.
Unfortunately the main reasons most people don’t find themselves I the top 20 percent is 1) lack of self discipline and 2)  the failure to realise their true potential.
It’s imperative you and I recognise what skills and gifts we have and then discipline ourselves and our time to sow into these so that we don’t waste our God given abilities but we develop them so we excel in our field.
There is a phenomena recorded by sociologists that it takes around 100 hours of practice before someone excels in their given craft. The Beatles played together for over 100 hours before they became famous, Bill Gates practised on computers at night for over 100 hours and so we should ask ourselves the question am I self disciplined enough to put in the time required to be the best me I can be in the area that God has blessed me with certain skills? Will I sow into my skill, gift and ability knowing that n due season I will reap a harvest of excellence? 

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